Rise of the Third Power

1587. 2A. 15 months have gone by since firearms of the Great War at last fell into silence.
Half a century of people lost their lives on the field following the conflict. Of the many players that had acted on the world stage, only two remained; the kingdom of Cirinthia and the old Republic of Tariq. Dimitri Noraskov was a hero of the Kingdom of Arkadya which fell. He came back from the grave. His King was a coward who surrenderedand was an enigma because he acceded to the Treaty of Evenheart.
His followers followed his footsteps.
They backed Noraskov as he overthrew the king. He took back the land it was lost to him and they helped the king. They supported him while building an army. He believed that all nations across the world were exhausted of war and the Great War to implement the conditions of the Treaty. To date, his idea has been proven
It shows no sign to reduce its aggression. The fear of many is that a reprise of the Great War, that at times could have been stopped, is now but inevitable. There are a few who think it’s possible to put an end to…
Rise of the Third Power is a heartfelt tribute to the glorious times of console-style RPG. It features contemporary features like auto-save and it combines the best aspects of Japanese and western style gameplay as well as writing. It is a cross-over of west and east that will surpass all previous Stegosoft Games games.
CUSTOM BATTLE SYTEM Custom Battle Sytem Rise of the Third Power has 8 characters which can be used to fight simultaneously in battle. Each character comes with their strengths as well as weak points. It is possible to combine the strengths and weaknesses of every character, as well as analyze your opponent’s abilities and then set up your group to take on the battle.
Politics and Intriguing Interests: As Rin recuperates from its Great War, power balance remains severely skewed. There remain a lot of power vacuums that need to be to be filled. The players’ party is likely to confronted and helped by deceivers, fraudsters, and betrayersall the while the clock ticks down to the re-enactment of the largest conflict in the history of mankind…
PERSISTENT Equipment: Every piece of equipment recovered, taken, or even purchased by a character allows an upgrade to their character. Instead of buying replacements players can purchase upgrades. No more buying that awesome helmet back in town only to stumble over another one within the dark dungeon… Every character has 3 equipment slots with 8 upgrades each, which is 192 upgrades for all! The system eliminates the monotony of management of inventory while it also gives the completeist something useful to hunt for.
The game features 8 friends with different ambitions and perspectives while they begin their an adventure to take down Dimitri Noraskov, Arkadyan Emperor. An eclectic mix of comedy as well as drama are in store for players as they explore the treacherous world of Rin.

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